Where Does Back Pain Cause How To Treat Pain? [Back pain symptoms]
Eight out of ten adults are familiar with back pain during their lifetime. Many have multiple back pain episodes. Most, however, are able to do their normal hobbies and work with little or no symptoms. Disruptive lower back pain is also a very common cause of absenteeism.
The causes of back pain may include:
Of all cases of back pain, 90% are classified as non-specific, with pain due to an unexplained cause. Only 5-10% of lower back pain is a specific back disease or nerve problem.
Spinal thigh, i.e., narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal or nerve root canal
Spondylolysis or spondylolysis, or vertebral disorder
degenerative disc
Back mobility
Ankylosing spondylitis
Fascination, ie acute pain in the vertebrae of the vertebrae
Pain associated with cross-intestinal joint (SI)
Other reasons may include:
Lower limb defects
Body imbalance
Insufficient metabolism of muscles, soft tissues and joints due to immobility
Where Does Back Pain Cause How To Treat Pain? [Back pain symptoms]
Risk factors for low back pain
Risk factors for back pain include low physical activity, overweight, smoking, psychosocial factors (stress, depression, poor job satisfaction), heavy physical work, heavy motoring, and accidents.
The best way to prevent back pain rejuvenation or to keep symptoms under control is to stay in good shape. Continue to exercise and exercise for your back. Sore back does not mean that it could not be used. Even moving around promotes healing.
Sudden or acute lower back pain
In sudden lower back pain (less than 6 weeks), bed rest should be avoided and daily activities should be avoided despite pain. It is advisable to return to work as soon as possible by agreeing on work arrangements with the employer and occupational health care.
Cold pack as a topical treatment and (inflammation) analgesics can ease the pain. Relaxing the back with resting positions and, for example, pillows or a therapy ball, can help ease back pain. The back rest positions aim to relieve the pain in the back area.
Prolonged lower back pain
If the back pain is prolonged (6-12 weeks) it is advisable to move regularly despite the pain. Studies have shown that the effect of exercise on back pain and injury is a strong indication.
It is advisable to return to work as soon as possible by agreeing on work arrangements with the employer and occupational health care. Take care of ergonomics at work and at home, such as appropriate working positions, good office chair and work breaks.
If your back pain clearly only gets worse and does not show signs of healing, you should contact your health center or health care provider.
Try an effective breaker
Guidelines for good ergonomics
Long-term or chronic lower back pain
If your back pain is long-lasting (over 12 weeks), regular exercise and proper pain relief will make you feel better.
Long-term back pain can be caused by the fact that the actual tissue damage has improved, but the pain continues due to the disorder of the control system. Psychosocial factors such as depression, anxiety, stress, negative thoughts, fears, and work-related problems may also affect pain prolongation. Your active involvement in restoring and maintaining functional capacity is an important part of recovery.
For more information about chronic pain
Two main types of back pain
Identifying your back pain types is important. Based on the type of pain you will be given the best treatments. Total care is not decided by the type of pain alone, but it is an important factor in determining which pain treatments are best for your problem.
Types of pain include:
Tissue damage pain, ie, nociceptive pain
Neuropathic pain or neuropathic pain
Where Does Back Pain Cause How To Treat Pain? [Back pain symptoms]
Learn more about back pain and back care
Make a back pain survey and find out what kind of treatment your own back problems need
Instructions for self-supporting back treatment
Other therapies for back pain: medications, physiotherapy, vertebrae treatment, surgery
Frequently Asked Back Pain
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Jumping tips on the back
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