"Excessive Drinking of Wine" De conservanda bona valetudine (University of Pennsylvania) |
"The Oyl of Wormwood by Decoction, Oyl of Quinces, and Oyl of Mastich, are reckoned by Authors the three Stomach Oyls, for outward Use, to strengthen the Stomach in Vomitings, &c. Two or three drops of the Chymical Oyl, is convenient in a Dose of Stomach Pills, in crapulent Cases, and after a drunken Debauch, to prevent Surfeiting, by cleansing the Stomach of filth and ill Humours.”
William Westmacott, Historia vegetabilium sacraFeeling crapulent? Just keep this toolkit of oils on hand for your next drunken debauch. Goodbye, vomitings!
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