"The first process in this, as in all large constructions in snow, is to roll up large snowballs; two large ones are wanted for the body, and one of lesser dimensions for the head... Having selected a suitable site, one of the great snowballs must be rolled thither, and firmly set in its place by mounding up and ramming the snow all round it, and the top flattened off to receive No. 2. Now comes the difficulty how to lift No. 2 into its place. A hand-barrow, shutter, or hurdle are the best things, but if none of these be available, a very effectual substitute may be extemporized out of a few stout sticks lashed crosswise... No. 3 must be set up in like manner, and the block now stands ready for the sculptor. The elaboration of detail must, of course, depend upon the genius of the carver... the most satisfactory tool to work with is a pointed mason's trowel: with this the whole of the carving, however elaborate, may be done... By the way, it is quite useless to attempt to stick limbs or features on–they must all be cut out of the solid mass. Your snow giant complete, the more eccentric the accessories with which you can provide him the better, such as a shocking bad hat, a long pipe, a besom for a sceptre, or, best of all, a good big dilapidated umbrella; and having got him you may do what you like with him; but decidedly the very worst use you can put him to is to knock him to pieces."
J. G. Wood, The Modern PlaymateIn olden times, men were giants and snowmen were snow giants.