According to the new stats available, obesity level is second highest among Scottish people just after US in the developed world. Now the Government is making plan to remove the junk foods like sweets, soft drinks out of their schools (BBC NEWS).According to the new rules, children in schools will be offered more fruits and vegetables and there will be a cut in the amount of chips being served in
Junk food and TV pushing kids to obesity
According to some latest studies, too much TV, junk foods and little movement in modern life are pushing more kids in US to obesity. Our kids have got an environment where they can easily get fast food items and fresh fruits and vegetables are really hard to find (From Yahoo News).Most of the kids avoid walking to their school and too much stuff available that inspires them to eat lot of junk
Dr Patrick employed to tackle obesity problem in children
Dr Patrick Lowe has been hired by the city council in Birmingham to solve the Childhood obesity problem where every one third of 11-year-olds are overweight. Dr Patrick has been employed at a cost of £45,000 for motivating city children to do more exercises and for eating healthy foods (From BBC NEWS).Part of his vision includes personal trainers working with children in schools and educating